Radio Laurier Brantford

Radio Laurier has been growing and developing in Brantford for two years now. At this point Brantford is responsible for representing the Brantford campus in the programming schedule at Radio Laurier that airs online at 24-7. DJ’s are ‘On Air Talent’ and producers of their own show and content. You can choose between either a one, two or three hour show that you will pre-‐record. These shows can be done on a weekly, bi-‐weekly or monthly basis. Radio Laurier strives to have diverse programming that is educational and entertaining for the surrounding community. If you are looking to host your own show, please ensure that it is unique and purposeful. Time commitment for a DJ is roughly 2-‐6 hrs a week. This includes your time on-‐air and time for off-‐air research. Please ensure you are familiar with our current broadcast schedule on before sending a show proposal. Your proposal will be reviewed by Programming Committee, you will receive an email with feedback from this committee addressing the appropriate next steps to become a Radio Laurier DJ.

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